Let's admit it, and it is a self brag. I am a physiotherapist myself. But there are a lot of reasons as to why you might need one. Of course, it only depends where you're at and your access to it. But what if that's all out of the picture? Without worrying about how you will pay for it and where you will look for it. Why do you exactly need a physiotherapist in your life?

Because of Pain
It is common for patients to come into our care because of pain. We encounter them almost every day for as long as we're serving their best interest. But what exactly is pain? According to the new definition from the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) in 2020, pain is "an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage."
In regards to that, people suffer from pain most of their lives. Whether that's a simple strain from the back to someone's debilitating status from chronic diseases, name it all, we've got you covered.
Although we also do if someone is in pain and relied on our services, especially the modalities we provide, for the relief alone. In most cases, this happens, and it's thrown under the rug. Still, to know if you're really in pain, here's another point as to why you need a physio.

Your Movement Is Limited
When you are in pain, you will have difficulty moving. It's part of why some people scream for help whenever they do experience an exacerbation. If you're someone in your 40s, are you able to get up from bed without "waiting it out" for your knees to allow you?
Or, let's put it, a simple scenario: sitting all day while working from home and suddenly your back and neck hurt? What do you do about that? What most of my friends tell me is they lie down, and it gets relieved. Again, with the word relieved.
If you want evidence of how physical therapy is effective, a randomized controlled trial in 2017 studied patients with chronic low back pain. Related to our topic, they provided exercises, modalities, and medications like paracetamol per day. After three months, the said patients improved drastically, not only from pain but by movement and even strength. They've concluded that it's important to address the complaint and how limited they are experiencing to function.

In Preparation For Surgeries
We can also be one of those people to help you anticipate any repercussions from surgery. We're not only thereafter, but we can coordinate with your healthcare providers on how this will run its course until the scheduled operation.
Prehabilitation is one of the emerging practices in clinical medicine that caters to the overall preparation of the patient for a procedure. I've been to some training throughout the pandemic. This is one of the international waters that have mentioned how their patients improved by mentally and physically preparing them.
Because, from a guideline from the Royal College of Physicians in Clinical Medicine, 42% of patients that undergo surgery fall into unhealthy habits, leading to the development of complications later on. As part of the team, we can coordinate and treat properly to benefit the patient's self-care, overall movement before and after the surgery.

To Start Your Fitness Journey
We're not only here to exist as people to address the known cause and treat it. We're also here for preventive measures and trained to guide you scientifically about starting your fitness journey.
We exist in this industry with proper training and experience to give our clients tailored training for their objectives with their journey. Fun fact, our founder in Kakayanan, Josh, is a fitness enthusiast by profession and passion.
As we continue to practice what we preach, we can be great gym buddies without being worried about being injured with what we're doing. We will provide the proper training, increments, breathing exercises and join you to train. Isn't that fun? Because of the influx of physios in the gyms, we've also started catering to individuals dealing with an injury or physical limitation to get back to the gym or their lives.

Deal With Your Workspace
As part of my undergraduate studies, we're told that ergonomics would be part of our education. Unfortunately, even if ergonomics tackled it, it only dwelled on the general details until my first job as Laboratory Technician. It was a job that I underestimated. I was able to dwell on the specifics of occupational safety and the consequences of not sitting on a proper seat or setting up equipment on someone's height or weight for safety purposes.
It wasn't just that. After I was assigned to work from home, I was asked by my engineer friend from Singapore what input can I provide if she would build herself a standing desk. By doing some research, it piqued my interest more and more. We weren't only there to treat people for their ailments, but we can also give guidelines on how to keep their workspaces free from injury.
During my webinar experiences and interacting with tons of people, it's quite a vast team of people to make a workplace safe from harm. We collaborate with safety officers, nurses, architects, and engineers for them. I'm even surprised that there are accredited physios that engage in this fully! If you want to check out what I've done for my friend, here's my summarised guide with helpful links!
We're Here to Help
I could go on because there's more than that. I believe that physios are capable of many things. We're taught in our program to adapt easily to changes, resourcefulness, and be flexible while being compassionate and considering one's problem. As one of the main characters of New Amsterdam says, "how can I help?". We're an ask away.